Types Of Friends You Should Avoid


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Your friends can become one of the most critical persons in your life. They teach you a lot of lessons. They provide value in everything you do, and they become the foundation of your self-improvement decisions. However, not all of them are as beneficial as you thought they would be. Some only want nothing but to take advantage of you. Most of the times, they become the source of your emotional and mental suffering. With that, your ability to know which ones to keep is essential in maintaining your overall health and development. So here are the types of friends you should avoid.

“I take Yours, But You Can’t Take Mine.”

Most types of friendship give and take. When you offer them something, they offer something in return. However, some individuals take so much of your time and energy but are not willing to sacrifice theirs. These people have the mentality that consuming something from you is their primary purpose. But when you are the one who wants something from them, those things become an off-limits. These types of friends are selfish and undeniably self-centered. Erika Martinez, PsyD once said, “You have to get really clear with yourself first about what’s motivating you when you agree to do someone else a favor.”

“I Will Help, But Give Something In Return”


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“Your environment, both your social and natural surroundings, can greatly impact how you feel.”  Marjie L. Roddick, MA, NCC, LMHC said. It is vital to recognize that friendship is something that requires effort. It is often successful when two parties know their responsibilities to each other. But when your friends are only doing things for you because they benefit from it, you should consider cutting them off. These people will not only take something from you but will also make you feel that you owe them the world. Their attitudes get stuck in the idea that whatever they do for you are something that you should thank them forever.

“I’m Here Because I Need You”

Friends should be there for you when you need them, and not the other way around. When these people stick around because they know they can gain something, they are not the ones you need. These types of friends mostly choose you and follow you because they know you will give them something. But when you happen to ignore their needs and start to refuse to all their demands, they will leave you in an instant.

“It Is Always A No For Me”


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Karen R. Koenig, MEd, LCSW used to say, “Nothing ruins self-esteem like surrounding yourself with people who abuse or neglect you.” When you have these types of friends that always say no and does not want to be involved in your life, you should leave them immediately. These ungrateful people will never agree to anything you do or say. These people’s lives are focused on making you feel bad about yourself. They do not support your ideas, and they never appreciate your worth. You have to avoid these types of friends because they are draining, exhausting, and full of shit.

Top Mistakes Therapists Commit In Blogging

Blogging is one of the best marketing strategies for therapists to bring in new clients, show their expertise, or educate potential clients. Contrary to popular belief, blogging is not that easy. You have to consider several things if you do not want to stain your reputation. Listed below are the top mistakes most bloggers commit when first starting out.

Inability To Post Regular Content

Web traffic does not come out of nowhere. Do not expect an instant influx of readers the moment you establish your new website. The best way to attract more audience is to add blog posts regularly depending on your capability. You may opt to create content once or twice a week, but you have to make sure that you’ll be consistent throughout.

Not Adding Images To The Blog Posts

Studies revealed that images are essential to your write-ups. They capture the eyes of potential readers and entice them to check out your content. It also gives out the message that they are not reading boring content, hence increasing the length of their stay on your website. Lastly, putting pictures increases the number of likes and shares it gets on social media.

Source: pexels.com

Not Using On-Page SEO

Not using search engine optimization (SEO) is most likely the most common mistake therapists commit in their blogs. There are several times that readers see titles like “What You Should Do In Therapy” or “My Thoughts About Mental Health.” Believe it or not, these posts will not rank high enough in the Google search results due to its vagueness.

When drafting your content, make sure to familiarize yourself with the basics of SEO. Experts programmed search engines to look for various indicators to determine what the post is all about. Examples of this include:

  • Placing a particular keyword in the title of your blog post
  • Putting the same keyword on the first paragraph of your write-up
  • Creating simple URLs which houses a keyword within
  • Using proper file names, tags, and links when attaching images

Taking note of all of these will give you a better fighting chance in the SEO world. It will also enable you to increase your web traffic, which you can translate to potential clients.

Source: goodfreephotos.com

Posting Blogs Without Value

Do you use your blog to post a review about a particular YouTube video? Or are you only using it to publish occasional announcements about your promos, events, and clinic? If you are doing either one or even both of these tactics, then your blog is not going to work out. This approach feels like you are treating your blog just like a Facebook or Twitter page.

Remember, your website should be a knowledge bank or hub of information and expertise in your field. It should offer content that other readers won’t be able to read from typical social media sites. There’s nothing wrong with your promotions or review. What’s important is that you give it context and place some other value-adding details which will make your blog post unique from the other ones.

Failing To Link

If you want other bloggers to promote your page, you should learn how to link to your posts internally and externally. Internal links refer to links that go to the other parts of your website. It may be placed there to promote similar blog topics, or it can also connect the reader to your call-to-action page. On the other hand, external links are links that present you to other connected websites. External links can go to your reference websites or your sponsors.

Closing The Comment Section

Many therapists out there close the comment section because they are afraid others might call them out or judge on their post. It should not be the case. As a blogger, you should ready yourself from all of these backlashes and feedback which you can then use as a basis and inspiration in improving your website.

Source: flickr.com

At the same time, blogging is all about building relationships. Let your readers interact with other visitors so they will feel more valued. You can also talk to them by replying in the comment section. This way, they’ll feel more connected and trusting toward you.

Review your blog and check whether you’re committing any of these top mistakes. If you are, don’t fret! These things are easy to fix—no need to hire the top programmers out there.

So, what are you waiting for? Adopt all of these strategies now, and you’ll be on your way to being an effective therapist-blogger out there!

Why Writing Heals According To Psychology

Many of us write down hundreds or thousands of words a day. From text messages to letters at work, writing is an integral part of our lives. But it’s not just for communication; psychology also shows that activities such as journaling and creative writing have a positive impact on our mental health. BetterHelp couldn’t agree more to that statement. Let’s look at why:

Helps You Track Patterns

Journaling exercises typically encourage you to write every day. Many people chose to describe things they’ve done that day as well as the problems they face. “Journaling is great for enhancing self-awareness through helping us detect and track patterns of behavior, thoughts, and feelings.” Alison Stone, LCSW said.

When you do this daily, you’ll be able to look back and find patterns when it comes to your behaviors and feelings. Knowing about these issues provides you with much insight, helping you discover the root of your problems or worries. From there, you work towards addressing it.

Gives You Clarity

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Writing in a diary or journal is essentially putting your thoughts on paper. By doing so, you create a reflection of yourself that you can better look at. You get to know yourself more: your fears, dreams, likes, and dislikes. From here, you’ll be able to get a good look at yourself and find out what needs to be changed. It can be difficult to know our faults, but journaling can help you gain clarity. “it’s not only the benefit of catharsis in the moment of writing that makes journaling so effective – It’s also reviewing what you’ve written.” says Lindsey Pratt Psychotherapy, LMHC.

Lets Your Emotions Out

Psychology has long warned us that bottling up emotions can be very harmful. Our mental health isn’t the only one that’ll take an impact, but our physical well-being will do so as well. Researchers found a link between negative emotions and heart disease. Sadness, anger, grief, and resentment will eat away at your chest – figuratively and literally.

Thankfully, writing can help us let our emotions out. Expressive writing, journaling, and even just messaging a friend can serve as a way for us to bring out what we’re feeling inside. For instance, if you’re feeling particularly angry about something, don’t you feel a bit relieved after ranting about it to your peers? Alternatively, you can write down all your frustrations and throw the paper away. Nobody else has to know, but at least you’ve let it all out. Writing helps us let go of negative feelings such as stress and stops them from hurting us.

Provides An Avenue For Self-Care

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People always remind us how important it is to love yourself. But to be honest, it isn’t still easy, is it? But writing can serve as an avenue for us to improve our self-confidence and practice self-care. “Prioritizing daily self-care and making efforts to take action. Accepting that daily self-care is hard work and challenging.” Edna M. Esnil, PsyD said.

When journaling, task yourself to write about something you appreciate about yourself. It can be an achievement you’re proud of, an ideal you hold, or a characteristic you have. Giving yourself praise can help you battle negative emotions and is thus suitable for your mental health worries. Check out verywellmind.com‘s articles on how you can start practicing the habit.

Another activity you can do is to write a letter addressed to yourself, forgiving you for something you’ve done wrong in the past. This exercise can be very freeing and helps you heal.


Makes You More Observant

When we face problems or are overly stressed, we tend to fixate on our issues. This tendency keeps us from enjoying life as we’re too busy trying to juggle our worries.

Imagine tasking yourself to write a short story. To do so, you must first find inspiration. You’ll be too busy looking for things to write about than to be caught up in our issues. Writing provides a way for us to get out of our heads and look at the things around us.

Keeps You Away From Negative Habits And Hobbies

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When it comes to our struggles, many of us have negative ways of coping with them. Some of us turn to things like cigarettes, alcohol, overspending, or binge-eating. These activities can be more harmful and destructive than helpful.

Writing, on the other hand, is a positive hobby you can do. It not only helps us cope with our problems, but it also helps us deal with our issues. Writing is a more productive and healing interest, and it doesn’t even have to cost us anything. It’s free and you can work on it any time you want.


Whether it be working on short stories, sending letters to our loved ones, or keeping a daily journal, writing helps us heal in several ways. It provides us with clarity, allowing us to track patterns that point to the root of problems that affect us. It also helps us express our emotions – both positive and negative.

We don’t have to be Shakespeare or Maya Angelou; writing is something anyone can do. Delve into it and find yourself feeling happier and more fulfilled as you create words onto a blank page.

Top Things To Remember About Therapy

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Many people are now considering therapy as a means of improving themselves and processing their feelings. Whether you like it or not, the truth is that the services of mental health experts are somehow necessary for your wellbeing. However, it is also crucial or vital to point out that therapy has different effects on different individuals. What works for one person may or many not necessarily work for the other. Because of this, you have to be mindful of some facts about therapy. Your knowledge of these items will help you get a better understanding of how it works and if it is something that you have to consider. Continue reading

Brain Health 101: 3 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Memory


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It is a fact that your brain health tends to deteriorate as you age. There may be things that you did when you were younger that you no longer remember even in your 20s. Once you hit 30 or 40, it may be difficult to recall all your conversations and activities yesterday.

The thing is, although memory loss seems to be a natural part of aging, you can try a few things to slow it down.

Eat Properly

I have thought a hundred times first if I should add healthy eating to my list or not. After all, it appears to be on every list of things that you can find in and out of the internet these days. But then again, I have figured out that men and women of this generation are into keeping themselves fit all the time through dieting; that’s why you are reading this now.

I do not have a problem with people who want to reduce their body fats because even I try to stay away from the lusciously sinful chocolates more often than I like. However, there will surely be a problem when you are dieting too much to the point of fainting. You don’t want to feel hungry often because it will never do well for your health and your memory. John M. Grohol, Psy.D. used to say, “A balanced diet that includes lots of fiber helps keep your gut system running efficiently by helping to support a more diverse gut microbiome.”


Source: pixabay.com

There is an online letter to a psychologist from a girl who has an eating disorder, and the latter has been experiencing significant memory loss for quite some time already. Although there was no complete diagnosis since they are yet to meet face-to-face, the bottom line is that memory decline is linked to not having the right diet. I do not want to dig into technical terms, but let’s say that having some fruits and vegetables, which are rich in antioxidants, every day is more beneficial than nothing at all if you want to improve your memory.


It is not infrequent to see an already stressed person seem more stressed when they the house and car keys inside the already locked car in a hurry to get out of it. It will be tolerable if you can’t remember your chore, yes. If you start being unable to remember to fetch a child from school, pull out all of the plugged-in appliances before heading out or bring your business paraphernalia to work, then that turns into a huge issue. Staci Lee Schnell, MS, CS, LMFT says, “Exercising regularly is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce the symptoms of ADHD. Exercise has been shown to improve concentration, motivation, memory, and mood. ”

A close friend of mine has once had this problem, and when I asked him how he was able to get through it, he said, “Exercise did it for me.” The man poured all of his frustrations out at the punching bags in the gym every day after working hours. By the time he gets back to work, he said he always feels like a brand-new person. The things that he used to forget easily stay longer in his memory bank than usual; he does not even need to write instructions down anymore.

Although not everyone can do the same thing, especially when you happen to be an employee and a parent, remember that the gym is not the only place where you can exercise. You can walk or jog in the morning for at least 30 minutes, as well as try yoga or Pilates in a quiet room at home. You will see a nice change in your memory soon enough.


Source: pixabay.com

Do Not Insist On Multitasking

Like being a gym rat, multitasking is not for everybody. I have seen a lot of people try to do it. A few have succeeded, but many have lost their mind because of it. Although you are free to “try and try until you die,” you should stop trying hard if you tend to lose your focus and forget the more important aspects of your life.

It is thrilling to be labeled as the person who can do it all because that constitutes the fact that you can extraordinarily do two or three or four things at once. However, keep in mind as well that your brain will have work extra hard for it to be able to keep up with you and your activities. When the brain “overheats,” stress will take over, and your memory will soon take cover. Hence, do not insist on multitasking if you know within yourself that you are not capable of doing it. Gretchen Flores, MA LPC LCPC reminds that “A limit is an invisible line that exists between emotional, physical, and psychological well being and becoming anxious, irritable and stressed.”

Final Thoughts

Try the tips mentioned above to improve your brain health and prevent memory loss from affecting your life significantly. This way, you will be able to look back in the olden days by yourself instead of needing someone else to narrate the past to you.


Let’s talk more about therapy. What are the different types?

two hemispheres of our brain - one for creativity and other one for logic

Source: pixabay.com

What are the different types of therapy treatments, and how it affects mental health as well as emotional health?

A mental illness such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, or bipolar disorder does not go away with just a pill. These are mental health worries that need crucial attention and specific mental health services. There is one very known way of managing them – therapy. Family members support their loved ones by seeking professional help and going to psychodynamic, supportive, group, existential, or cognitive behavioral therapy, depending on their loved one’s needs.

Therapeutic Benefits On Mental Health

Why is therapy needed for mental health? What types of therapy is beneficial to manage mental health issues (talk therapy, family therapy, group therapy, online therapy, in-person therapy, etc.)? How is therapy helpful? Who needs therapy? What approaches does therapy use? Learn about this holistic treatment here.

Therapy For Effective Mental Health Care

Curing diseases is tough. Mental health professionals can prescribe medication to help reduce symptoms. However, reducing symptoms is only a temporary means of escape, as mental health conditions are not completely cured only through medication. This is why most therapists and social workers agree that mental health issues are best tackled through therapeutic counseling. It enables those who struggle with mental health conditions to recover and get mental health support as well as emotional support. Individuals with eating disorders or anxiety disorders who don’t feel comfortable seeing mental health professionals personally may opt to start with online therapy, an affordable method that gives you the opportunity to communicate with an online therapist in the comfort of your home.

Family therapy is now increasingly popular.  In some areas, clients can avail of this treatment to address specific household challenges for free during their first therapy session or first appointment. For some, it is being paid by their health insurance provider.

Some individuals may benefit from working with a therapist who has specialized training in areas such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or trauma-focused counseling. However, the cost of appointments and therapies can be a concern for some individuals who may not have insurance coverage or who may be concerned about affordability. But a therapist thinks it’s worth it.

Therapy (either online therapy or in-person therapy) is a form of treatment usually done one-on-one or on a group basis conducted by a therapist or licensed mental health professionals. The sessions hope to resolve a patient’s problematic behavior by first establishing a trusting therapeutic relationship between the patient and a licensed mental health professional.

As Robin D. Stone, LMHC explains “The benefits of therapy are vast, including having an objective perspective on happenings in your life, a sounding board (most therapists) for you to talk through options before taking action, a place where you can deepen self-awareness, access mental health resources to support your growth and personal development, and much more.”

Different Types Or Forms

Psychotherapy (PsyT)

Psychotherapy is a type of therapy that focuses on a patient’s emotional well-being. It involves a licensed therapist initially understanding the patient’s troubling emotions, behaviors, and thoughts. Psychotherapists are well-trained healthcare professionals that hold licenses or master’s degrees. Listed below are noteworthy examples of the treatment. Psychotherapy sessions may be done online or via traditional sessions.

Hypnotherapy (HT)

This form of therapy comprises the use of hypnosis and the right therapist would be someone who has trained and specialized in the field. The patient goes into a trance-like state of focus and concentration. It enables the therapist to tap into the deep thoughts or feelings of the patient. By doing so, they gain control of these problems. Hypnotherapy requires a strong therapeutic relationship because it takes trust to work. It is among the oldest mental health services.

Cognitive-Behavioral (CBT)

Also called talk therapy, this is a famous type of therapy for mental health often referred to as CBT. The approach applies to several kinds of mental health issues, including emotional distress and eating disorders, among others. CBT encourages a change in the client’s thought process and an improvement in his communication skills assisted by the therapist. It helps them respond to stressful situations and works in conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be availed through in-person or online services.

using therapy to heal - creative counseling

Source: pexels.com

Physical Therapies (PT)

Physical therapy involves the rehabilitation of the patient’s physical condition. Thus, many therapists prefer to do in-office sessions than online sessions. It enables those who came from an accident to recover. It allows them to grasp control of damaged limbs or artificial ones. It guides older patients to regain the use of different body functions. They may also relieve themselves from pain through this. The therapist may assist them in the process.

Dynamic and Adaptable Types

Sessions vary on the patient’s needs. Therapists create programs that cater to different situations. Long-term treatment services are adjusted to maximize the effect and improvement. You will notice the progress from the initial sessions and after the first few sessions.

Therapy Helps Cultivate Life Skills And Coping Skills

A professional therapist can help you discover the problem. They lead you to the root of your worries and offer support. Therapy provides effective plans and strategies to release you from these hardships. It keeps your anxiety at bay, and you don’t have to figure everything out by yourself. If the problem is among family members or couples, then you can opt to seek therapy specifically from a marriage and family therapist who can provide traditional counseling or online marriage therapy.

Molly Bowman, MS, LPC said “Therapy is intended to be a place to carefully and safely start to turn toward whatever it is you’ve got.”

Looking for the right therapist, or what they typically refer to as trained professionals, i.e. psychologists and psychiatrists, can be difficult. But doing so can also be life-changing. Why? Because making progress in life, however little that may be is one of the few factors of a happy life. In a sense, the price of finding the perfect therapist for you outweighs the cost of the trouble you had to go through to reach that point.

Psychology Today says that people benefit a lot from successful therapy sessions because their therapists, some of whom are social workers, act like their friends. When they talk, they come from a place of compassion and understanding. They don’t judge you like others would do on a normal basis. In other words, they are good for your psychology. That’s why a therapist is called a mental healthcare provider for a reason. Indeed, therapy can be a tremendous help.


image of our brain and its different functions

Source: pixabay.com

Gaining Control For Mental Health Through A Holistic Approach

People want to love themselves, and they can achieve it best if they can control their actions and emotions. It is a very depressing idea to be unable to do so, and professional online therapy or traditional therapy can tremendously help with this. By gaining control, people can manage to live without stress and fear.

this is how a studio looks like when empty - need therapeutic recording?

Source: pixabay.com

A Treatment That Heals Your Personality And Yields Positive Outcomes

Therapy does miracles not only for your body but also for yourself. It improves your thought processes, emotional stability, and mental health. Medicines come and go, but they leave an impact on individuals.

The Takeaway/Conclusion

Therapy can be a helpful tool for clients and families to cope with painful experiences and challenges as they happen. Talking with clinicians who specialize in specific areas of concern can help individuals develop tailored strategies for managing symptoms and addressing concerns.

However, the cost of treatment and drugs can be a concern for some individuals who may not be able to afford to treat themselves. It’s important to find a therapist or mental health professional who can provide guidance and support, and who can help individuals identify resources for affordable care.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Therapy Definition?

Therapy is a collaborative process between an individual and a trained professional, aimed to address emotional, behavioral, and psychological issues to improve the former’s overall well-being.

What Are The 5 Types Of Therapy?

The five types of therapy are namely cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), humanistic therapy, psychodynamic therapy, family therapy, and group therapy.

What Is The Best Therapy For Trauma?

Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) and eye movement desensitization and processing (EMDR) are often prescribed to help individuals process and move on from their traumatic experiences, reduce distress symptoms, and promote better healing.

What Is Therapy Used For?

Therapy is said to treat a wide range of concerns, including emotional difficulties, relationship problems, stress management, personal growth, and of course, mental health disorders.

What Type Of Therapy Is Used For Depression?

Cognitive behavioral therapy is commonly used for treating depression, as it focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors. This type of therapy has been shown to be effective in alleviating depressive symptoms.

What Is The Best Form Of Therapy?

The best type of therapy depends on the individual’s circumstances, from the specific health concern, personal preference, and compatibility to the therapeutic approach. People react to different approaches differently; thus, the effectiveness of therapy depends on various factors and conditions.

Why Do People Go To Therapy Sessions?

People go to therapy for different reasons, including gaining a better understanding of their situation and condition, insight into their emotions and thoughts, seeking support and professional guidance, improving relationships, developing coping skills, and working through personal challenges.

Does This Holistic Approach To Treatment Really Work?

Yes, therapy has been proven to be effective in treating a wide range of mental health conditions and improving an individual’s overall well-being. The success of the treatment, of course, depends on different factors, including openness, honesty, and commitment to the process and the relationship they have with the professional, be it a psychologist, psychiatrist, etc.

What Is Normal Therapy Called?

It is commonly referred to as “talk therapy” better known as counseling. Talk therapy involves verbal communication between the client and the therapist. The goal is to address emotional and psychological challenges.

How Do I Know If Therapy Is Right For Me?

Again, the effectiveness of therapy depends on different factors, including the impact of your concern in your daily life, your desire for personal growth, and the availability of support. Seeking the help of a mental health professional can help you assess your specific needs and determine the best treatment for your specific circumstances.

How Can Therapy Help Me?

Therapy can help provide a safe and supportive environment so you can explore your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors deeper and better. It can help you gain insight, develop coping skills, boost self-esteem, and improve your relationships. It also helps in working towards personal growth and well-being.

What Do They Ask You In Therapy And Counseling Sessions?

Questions asked during sessions depend on the therapist’s approach and the specific concerns of the individual. They usually inquire about your background and current challenges and concerns before moving to your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. From there they will move on to talk to you about your relationships with your inner circle and your goals about your situation and in life. All your answers will be used to gain a better understanding and guide you to your therapeutic sessions.

Is It OK To Ask Someone Into Therapy?

Yes, it is generally okay to suggest to someone to go to a session, especially if you genuinely care about their well-being. However, mental health is a sensitive topic, thus, it is important to approach it with empathy, sensitivity, and respect. Also, the decision to seek professional mental health help ultimately rests with the individual.

What Do You Call Someone Who Seeks Therapy?

They are often referred to as a client, a patient, or simply as an individual seeking treatment.

How Do I Know Which Counselor Is Best For Me?

The best treatment approach is the one that is right for you. To find the right one, consider their expertise, personal fit, approach, location, availability, and of course, cost. It will be best to schedule an initial consultation with your prospective therapists to find out if they are a good match for you.

A Background On The Basics Of Mental Illness

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Different people think differently when they hear that someone they know is mentally ill. Some would be concerned about his life, how his family would take it, why he suffered from it, and what he looks like now (because some do think that mentally ill people look peculiar).

Others, on the contrary, avoid being with the person suffering from mental disorder, as they are afraid that he might go wild or break into a scary tantrum. But mental disorders aren’t supposed to be feared but to be understood. Those who suffer from it deserve help, support, and compassion.



According to Deborah Serani, PsyD “A mental illness cannot be willed away or brushed aside with a change in attitude. Ignoring the problem doesn’t give it the slip either.” Mental illness is a general term that includes a range of conditions that affect someone’s body, mind, and emotions. It also affects one’s ability to perform his activities of daily living. Different factors influence mental illness, some of which include habits, the environment, and genetics, among others.

Mental illness can also be considered as health problems that have a tremendous impact on the way we think of ourselves as we interact with others around us. It can hinder a person’s normal life or create more complex challenges. However, with the appropriate treatment and support, a person can manage and in fact, go through recovery and cure.


“Mental health struggles are real. They can be painful. You may feel alone. In some of the darkest times, you may feel like something is “wrong” with you to the core.” Erica Thompson, LMFT, LPCC states. It is essential to note that mental illness is categorized into different types, and these types may manifest symptoms and behaviors that are distinct from each other. But despite the varying symptoms and presentations, the approach, availability of services, support from family and significant others, and the capacity of the person to participate in his community play a vital role in his way of experiencing his illness.

The standard groups of mental health worries that are categorized according to signs and symptoms include:

Anxiety Disorders

As the name implies, conditions under this umbrella are all associated with anxiety. Unwanted thoughts, excessive worries and fears, fears about the past, and panic attacks are among those that are included here. Undeniably, anxiety disorders are the most common of all mental disorders. Learning more about these anxiety issues will help us understand how being anxious can disrupt someone’s normal and simple life.


Source: pixabay.com

Eating Disorder

“An eating disorder can develop when an individual’s inner resources and ability to cope are low. Individuals often struggle to cope and adapt to life changes when grieving.”  Tali Yuz Berliner, Psy.D. explains. But contrary to what most people think, eating disorders are not all about food. They are complex illnesses that are mechanisms used by someone to deal with tough problems or a way to feel that he has control over his life. This type of disorder may involve bingeing, deprivation of any kind of food, and purging. The common forms of the eating disorder are bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa.

Mood Disorders

When someone suffers from a mood disorder, he may feel hopeless, exhausted, sad, or disoriented for weeks or months. Sometimes, some of them think that they are in a strangely high and energetic mood like they have the power to do anything and everything. However, being in this kind of mood can also cause them to be imbalanced and may cause problems for them and others. Bipolar disorder and manic depression are examples of mood disorders.

Personality Disorder

These are patterns of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that last for months or more and disrupt a person’s day-to-day living. Individuals who are diagnosed with this illness experience difficulty in keeping relationships and handling their emotions appropriately. They are also prone to manifesting harmful behavior, especially when he is angry, sad, or frustrated. An example of this type is borderline personality disorder.

Psychotic Disorders

Conditions under this category are more complex and difficult to manage, as paranoia is one of its hallmarks. A psychotic person has trouble distinguishing what’s real and what’s not. He sees something differently and strongly believes in it no matter how much it is elaborately explained to him. Schizophrenia belongs to this group.

Childhood Disorders

This consists of a variety of mental illnesses that have begun to affect individuals at a very young age, but most of them were not diagnosed until they grow older. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the conditions that belong to this category. The affected child’s cognitive function is delayed due to causes such as prematurity and RH incompatibility. He or she is unable to concentrate for long periods, and he cannot complete tasks, sit still, organize, or think normally.

Suicide As A Predominant Result To Mental Disorder

Suicide, or the intentional killing of oneself, is not a mental disorder in itself, but it has been linked to a lot of mental disorders as a result of depression, frustration, and severe panic or anxiety. It is vital to encourage a mentally ill person to talk about his or her thoughts out to avoid these circumstances.

Helping A Loved One

If you know someone who is suffering from a mental illness, you may have mixed emotions. You might be concerned about their future, or perhaps a little relieved that their condition now has a name. Or you might even feel guilty and wonder if you did something to contribute to the problem they are facing. These emotions are normal – don’t worry.

Source: commons.wikimedia.org

The essential thing to do is to make yourself an important person to your loved one’s condition and future recovery. The best approach would be to ask them what you could do to assist them. Remember that physical and emotional support would go a long way.




People Say I’m Crazy, But Am I? (My Delusional Disorder)

In scientific term, a delusion is described as a false belief based on a person’s different perception of reality. It sustains a mind-created world despite what everybody else accepts as true. Even obvious pieces of evidence to the contrary become different from this mental state. Let’s say that other people don’t usually take the belief and see it as a significant member of a psychological disorder such as psychosis and schizophrenia.

“Patients diagnosed with schizophrenia do not present with a split personality, nor is it common for someone with the disorder to be violent.” –Simon Rego, PsyD

Source: pxhere.com

I have been suffering from delusions for at least a month now. I can guarantee that I don’t feel or experience any other symptoms of other mental illness aside from this one in particular. Some say that this condition is tricky to observe. That’s because unlike the other psychotic disorders, delusion has little to no effect on a person’s behavior and overall functions. I guess that’s why I can say I’m still part of the population where ordinary people are somehow like me.

Delusions Various Classifications

“With psychotic patients, we tend to take the view that if they just take their medication, their symptoms will get better,” says Gold. “But I think there’s real meaning to the content of people’s delusions.” Joel Gold, MD, a psychiatrist

Erotomanic delusion is a condition where a person believes that someone on a higher status is obsessively in love with them. This type of classification falls into someone who thinks about affection towards others that isn’t even possible to happen. Some people in this state somehow become obsess and end up being a stalker. Good for me, it’s not the type of delusion I have.

Grandiose delusion occurs when someone believes that they are superior to other people regarding knowledge, status, and capabilities. They often see things revolve only around them and think that all eyes are on them because they are the most important human-being ever existed. This condition has nothing to do with mine because it feels a little bit over the edge.

Jealous delusion is something that influences a person to become violent. They somehow have these running thoughts of their spouses cheating or having an affair with other people close to them. It makes them think about unnecessary scenarios that they want to believe is true. Well, I hope I won’t end up having this one.

Source: flickr.com

Somatic delusion is a condition where a person thinks that he’s inflicted with some medical problems or physical deformity. Even a doctor’s diagnosis won’t dispel or change the belief. The person’s concern is all about what he thought is happening and never attempts to listen to factual sources.

Mixed and unspecified delusion is the characteristic of having all the types of delusions. Let’s say it can be a combination of some of the other forms as well. Nope, this one’s not my thing.

Source: flickr.com

Persecutory delusion is the standard type, and yes it’s what I am experiencing right now. It makes me think that I am being cheated, followed, spied on, gossiped, poisoned, or harassed. Some say it’s comparable to over-reacting to things that aren’t even a big deal. But honestly, they don’t feel like people have sinister thoughts on and about me.

“The delusional part of this is that the happiness they bring by definition is temporary and we posit that there is a different type of happiness that people can attain if they want to work towards it, that is more long-lasting, deeper and more permanent.” –Dr. Ash ElDifrawi MA PsyD

I guess my delusions are the things that make people think I’m crazy. However, my condition is not something I would want to have for as long as I live. As much as possible, I wish to get better.

Surviving Depression After A Divorce

The end of a marriage is always devastating for any or both of the parties involved. Even if the couple involved has mutually agreed upon the separation, each of them may still suffer the heartache or pain. Moreover, there is also a high possibility of feeling regret. What if you can still save the relationship? What if you never gave up? What if you chose to stay? These are just some of the questions that may bother you since the divorce.

Source: pixabay.com

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