Things To Consider During Your Therapy Sessions




When I chose to visit a therapist a year ago, I kept thinking about how prepared I was to deal with my problems. But when I arrived at the therapist’s office and actually got to meet the therapist, I froze. I realized that I was sitting in front of a total stranger that had the experience and expertise to help me understand myself. I had no clue what to say to her right then and there, and my mind merely went black.

I have always been the shy type, and starting conversations with those that I have just met has often been too overwhelming for me. I assumed that it would not be difficult to confide to a therapist as I had chosen to see him and seek her help. But I felt very tense and pressured to benefit from my first session that I could not even think of what actually to say.

If you are like me and had a hard time expressing yourself during your first therapy sessions, or you have been conveniently visiting your therapist and believe that you have nothing more to say, remember that you are not alone in this ordeal. Expressing yourself can be challenging and might not come effortlessly, particularly when you are just getting acquainted with your therapist.

But the good news is that there are things you can consider doing or saying so that you can get the most out of your therapy sessions.

Keep In Mind That There Are No Wrong Or Correct Things To Say

It’s convenient to say that you have to talk about serious or profound problems when you’re in therapy. But remember that in therapy, there are no wrong or right subjects to talk about. You can talk to your therapist about anything that’s bothering or worrying you.

Indeed, some people go to therapy to tackle something in particular, like depression or anxiety. But occasionally, they are simply going through a life transformation and are looking for someone to express themselves to and help them cope with this transformation.


Counselors and therapists state that people have various conversations in therapy. They talk about their fears, frustrations, disappointments, shame talks with their parents, current date, sexuality, or failures as parents.

Tell Your Therapist Whatever’s Worrying You Right Then And There

You may be feeling angry, depressed, or sad over the week, but if you’re feeling fine right now, you don’t really have to begin with that subject. Concentrate on how you feel presently, and blurt out your feelings, even if it’s just something like, “I almost didn’t come to therapy today because I was so drained from work.”

Honestly, what you get out of therapy changes every day. It’s fine if you got there thinking that you’re going to vent about your boyfriend and ended up ranting about your inconsiderate friend.

You Are Free To Confide About Relationships Of Any Kind

This does not necessarily mean sex life or love life. You can confide in your therapist regarding all of your relationships, including your family, partner, or friends. Do you think you’re not given sufficient care and encouragement at home? Or do you think you have a support system that you can lean on, but you have trouble opening up even to your closest loved ones?

Relationships are vital to your mental and emotional health, and they have a crucial part in affecting your emotions and your behavior in your daily life.

You Can Talk About Your Past

This is quite obvious, but the fact is that if you have been concentrating too much on your present problems during your therapy sessions, you may not have filled your therapist in on what shaped you now – your past.

Spending a few moments to step back and decide to tell your therapist about your past can help you tackle some emotions that have been pent up or left unsettled.

Bring Up Emotions That You Can’t Express Verbally


Individuals in therapy are inclined to have issues that they need to address. But it’s not always something negative. Sometimes, it’s an emotion or feeling that they’re not familiar with. When people go through new experiences, such as marriage, relocation, or giving birth, this can awaken untouched areas in their life that they require help comprehending. They won’t always be capable of articulating the specific emotion, but they will acknowledge that there is something different.

If something has been transformed in your life and it seems as if it’s making you feel differently, tell your therapist about it. It doesn’t have to be about the negative stuff. Transformations can be positive, too, yet they still provoke new emotions that you might want to unravel in a secure and nonjudgmental environment.

Therapy is not only for adults. In some instances, kids undergo stress and trauma that make them difficult to cope with. In situations like this, child counseling can greatly help in helping the child cope with the situation.

The Takeaway

There is not a single person who has figured out everything about therapy. If it’s hard to open up initially, do not worry too much. It may take a little more time to really get accustomed to it. However, with time, you can begin to find yourself becoming more relaxed and expressing yourself more. If you don’t feel this after a few weeks or months, you should consider working with another therapist.